He came alone into the battle
He came alone into the battleHe knew nobody else could face His foeHe left His throne He left His gloryHe knew nobody else could ever goHe called the bluff He took the challengeHe came into this world to seek and saveNo one could know no one could fathomThe way to win was only through the graveThey laid Him in His tombThey thought they d sealed His doomBut He roseHe rose!He came He saw He conquered death and hellHe came He saw He is alive and wellHe was He is and only He forgivesHe died He rose He livesHe came He saw He conqueredThe doors were locked they heard Him knockingThey were afraid they would be taken tooFamiliar voice said Come and followCome and see the things the Lord can doThey went to where He layThe stone was rolled awayHe roseHe rose!He came into this worldHe saw humanityHe heard the SOSHe met the enemyThe enemy was conqueredThe enemy was conquered