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Song # 10562

on his journey we begin

On his journey we begin
at birth
This fleeting moment that
we spend on earth
No second chance to live
it all again
It must be now or never
To cherish each endeavor
What will they say that
I have left behind
A faithful heritage for
all to find
What will the see
I want my legacy to be

He was a believer in deed
He had a heart of a different
He made his mark and he
lived by his creed
A true believer
A believer in deed

Am I living everything I say
Am I pointing others to the way
Will I leave this world a
better place
Will Jesus say he knew me
Is Jesus living through me
Did I maintain my authenticity
A man of honor and integrity
Remembering me
I hope that they will truly see

At the end of my days I know
I m gonna say
I wouldn t live my life any
other way
I ll look to my posterity to
carry on for me
And pray that they will see

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