Somewhere in the darkest
Somewhere in the darkestnight a strangerhas lost the wayCold wind and a distant lighthas carried his heart awaySome say he was one of usa prodigal gone astrayBut inside he s as cold asice to the truth thathe won t obeyHe won t discernthe point of no return[CHORUS]In the last dazethe final hazeThere was strong delusionto believe a lieIn the last daze before the blazeThey couldn t see beyondtheir misty tranceTo grab the truth and havefighting chanceIn the last dazeCold chills when the Spiritspeaks that some shalldepart from the faithAll ends in calamity just whenthey thought it was safeThey followed the liesthe fables men devised[CHORUS]Some say it s a certaintya sign of the times I am toldBut I weep for the souls ofthose who will never returnto the fold[CHORUS]