The Almighty the king of creation
Praise to the LordThe Almighty the king of creationO my soul praise HimFor He is thy health and salvationAll ye who hearNow to His temple draw nearPraise Him in glad adorationPraise to the LordWho o er all things so wondrously reignethShelters thee under His wingsYea so gently sustainethHast thou not seenHow thy desires ever have beenGranted in what He ordainethPraise to the LordWho hath fearfully wondrously made theeHealth hath vouchsafedAnd when heedlessly falling hath stayed theeWhat need or griefEver hath failed of reliefWings of His mercy did shade theePraise to the LordWho doth prosper thy work and defend theeSurely His goodnessAnd mercy here daily attend theePonder anewWhat the Almighty can doIf with His love He befriend theePraise to the LordWho when tempests their warfare are wagingWho when the elementsMadly around thee are ragingBiddeth them ceaseTurneth their fury to peaceWhirlwinds and waters assuagingPraise to the LordWho when darkness of sin is aboundingWho when the godlessDo triumph all virtue confoundingSheddeth His lightChaseth the horrors of nightSaints with His mercy surroundingPraise to the LordO let all that is in me adore HimAll that hath life and breathCome now with praises before HimLet the Amen sound from His people againGladly for aye we adore Him