Rock of ages cleft for me
1.Rock of ages cleft for meLet me hide my self in theeLet the water and the bloodFrom thy wounded side which flowedBe of sin the double cureCleanse me from its guilt and power2.Not the labor of the my handsCan fulfil thy law s demandsCould my zeal no respite knowCould my tears forever flowAll for sin could not atoneThou must save and thou alone3.Nothing in my hand I bringSimply to the cross I clingNaked come to thee for dressHelpless look to thee for graceFoul I to the fountain flyWash me savior or I die4.While I draw this fleeing breathWhen mine eyelids close in deathWhen I soar to worlds unknownSee thee on thy judgement throneRock of ages cleft for meLet me hide myself in thee