I gave My life for thee
1 I gave My life for theeMy precious blood I shedThat thou might st ransomed beAnd quickened from the deadI gave My life for theeWhat hast thou given for Me2 I spent long years for theeIn weariness and woeThat an eternityOf joy thou mightest knowI spent long years for theeHast thou spent one for Me3 My Father s home of lightMy rainbow circled throneI left for earthly nightFor wanderings sad and loneI left it all for theeHast thou left aught for Me4 I suffered much for theeMore than My tongue may tellOf bitterest agonyTo rescue thee from hellI suffered much for theeWhat canst thou bear for Me5 And I have brought to theeDown from My home aboveSalvation full and freeMy pardon and My loveGreat gifts I brought to theeWhat hast thou brought to Me6 Oh let thy life be givenThy years for Me be spentWorld s fetters all be rivenAnd joy with suffering blentI gave Myself for theeGive thou thyself to Me