Our Father which art in Heaven
Our Father which art in HeavenHallowed be thy nameOur Father which art in HeavenHallowed be thy nameThy Kingdom comeThy Will be doneOn Earth as it is in HeavenOur Father which art in HeavenHallowed be thy nameHallowed be thy nameOur Father which art in HeavenOur FatherHallowed be thy nameHallowed be thy nameThy Kingdom comeThy Will be doneOn Earth as it is in HeavenGive us this dayOur daily breadAnd forgive us our debtsAs we forgive our debtorsOur Father which art in HeavenHallowed be thy nameOur Father which art in HeavenHallowed be thy nameAnd lead us not into temptationBut deliver us deliver us from evilFor Thine is the Kingdomand all the powerAnd the gloryForever AmenOur Father which art in HeavenHallowed be thy nameThy Kingdom comeThy Will be doneOn Earth as it is in Heaven