O mourner in Zion, how blessed art thou,
for Jesus is waiting to comfort thee now;
fear not to rely on the word of thy God;
step out on the promise,
step out on the promise,
step out on the promise,
get under the blood.
O ye that are hungry and thirsty, rejoice!
For ye shall be filled; do you hear that sweet voice,
inviting you now to the banquet of God?
Who sighs for a heart from iniquity free?
O, poor troubled soul! There‟s a promise for thee;
there‟s rest, weary one, in the bosom of God;
The promise can‟t save, though the promise is true;
„This the blood we get under that cleanses us through;
it cleanses me now, hallelujah to God!
I rest on the promise,
I rest on the promise,
I rest on the promise,
I‟m under the blood