In the image of God,
We were made long ago,
With the purpose divine,
Here His glory to show;
But we failed Him one day,
And like sheep went astray,
Thinking not of the cost,
We His likeness had lost.
But from eternity God had in mind,
The work of Calvary, the lost to find,
From His heaven so broad,
Christ came down earth to trod,
So that men might live again,
In the image of God.
Now that I have believed,
And the Saviour received,
Now that I from the cry,
Of my guilt am relieved,
I will live for the Lord,
Not for gain nor reward,
But for love, thinking of what,
His grace has restored!
I'll never comprehend redemption's plan,
How Christ could condescend to die for man,
Such a Saviour I'll praise,
To the end of my days,
As a upward, onward trod,
In the image of God