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Song # 21175

Almighty Father Of Mankind

almighty father of mankind,
on thee our hopes remain;
and when the day of trouble comes
i shall not trust in vain.

in early years thou wast my guide,
and of my youth the friend;
and as my days began with thee,
with thee my days shall end.

i know the power in whom i trust,
the arm on which i lean;
he will my savior ever be
who has my savior been.

my god, who causedst me to hope
when life began to beat,
and, when a stranger in the world,
didst guide my wandering feet.

thou wilt not cast me off when age
and evil days descend;
thou wilt not leave me in despair
to mourn my latter end.

therefore in life i’ll trust in thee,
in death i will adore;
and after death will sing thy praise
when time shall be no more.

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