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Song # 26842

rejoice today

rejoice today with one accord,
sing out with exultation;
rejoice and praise our mighty lord,
whose arm hath brought salvation;
his works of love proclaim
the greatness of his name;
for he is god alone
who hath his mercy shown;
let all his saints adore him!

when in distress to him we cried,
he heard our sad complaining;
o trust in him, whate’er betide,
his love is all sustaining;
triumphant songs of praise
to him our hearts shall raise;
now every voice shall say,
“o praise our god alway”;
let all his saints adore him!

rejoice today with one accord,
sing out with exultation;
rejoice and praise our mighty lord,
whose arm hath brought salvation;
his works of love proclaim
the greatness of his name;
for he is god alone
who hath his mercy shown;
let all his saints adore him!

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