he is lord he is lord
1. He is Lord, he is Lord;
he is risen from the dead, and he is Lord;
Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess
that Jesus Christ is Lord.
2. He is love, he is love;
he has shown us by his life that he is love;
all his people sing with one voice of joy
that Jesus Christ is love.
3. He is life, he is life;
he has died to set us free and he is life;
and he calls us all to live evermore
for Jesus Christ is life.
4. He is King, he is King;
he will draw all nations to him, he is King:
and the time shall be when the world shall sing
5. You are Lord, You are Lord
You have risen from the dead
And You are Lord
Every knee shall bow, Every tongue confess
That Jesus Christ is Lord