In these days of trials so near the end,
When Christ from Glory doth now descend, Men’s hearts are failing and
filled with fear, We know the end time is surely here.
So just be faithful, believe His
Stay with the Message that you
have heard;
List’ to His prophet, his Message
Walk in the Light where His star
doth lead.
In every church age a star did shine, To help God’s people a Truth to find;
In this last church age a star shines
bright, So friend receive It, walk in the
Do not be fearful or filled with dread, Your prophet sleepeth, he is not dead;
The Bride is waiting now for that Voice, And in this hope we can now rejoice.
His Word of promise he gave the
Bride, From his White Charger the prophet cried, “Yet one more time
shall I ride this trail” THUS SAITH THE LORD can never fail.